Information for Authors
Paper Submission
Submissions are invited to be considered for the conference on topics relating to Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, including:-
- Sustainable Buildings
- Smart Energy Systems and Optimisation
- Renewable Energy Technologies and Integration with the Built and Natural Environment
- Computing and Intelligent Communications Technology for Sustainability
All contributions should be of high quality, original and not published elsewhere or under consideration for publication during the review period.
Full Track PapersFull Track Papers may be submitted to one of the General Tracks or one of the Invited Sessions and if accepted and presented may be published in the Elsevier Procedia Energy proceedings.
Instruction on Full Track Paper submission can be found
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Short Track Papers
Short papers may be submitted, forming brief accounts on topics relevant to the conference and accepted they will be published in the online journal Sustainability in Energy and Buildings Research Advances.
Instruction on Short Track Paper submission can be found
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Poster Track Papers
Poster Track submissions from doctoral or masters research students will be considered, and if accepted, presented as posters, and published in an online archive.
Instruction on Poster Track Paper submission can be found
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All oral and poster papers must be presented by one of the authors who must register for the conference and pay the fee. By submitting a paper you undertake that you will attend the conference and present the paper if it is accepted. By submitting a paper you also indicate that you accept the conference Terms and Conditions, available by request or on the conference web site, and that you agree to abide by them.