Information for Authors
Full Track Paper Submission
Submissions for the conference must be made as complete papers (there is no abstract submission stage) submitted as PDF documents through the PROSE online submission and review system.
Full papers will be reviewed by the IPC and if accepted and presented, they may be published after the conference in Elsevier's Procedia Energy (ISSN: 1876-6102) open access journal, available in ScienceDirect and submitted to be indexed/abstracted in Scopus.
Full Track papers should be detailed academic articles in conventional format. The guide length for full papers is 8 to 10 pages (maximum).
Guidance notes for the preparation of Full Papers is available .. here ..
An MS Word template is available (6Mbyte .docm file) .. here ..
A LaTeX template and instructions are available (7Mbyte .rar file) .. here ..
Instructions are available as a PDF document .. here ..
For a paper to be published in the Procedia Energy proceedings
- no changes may be made to the Procedia template and the instructions must be followed exactly
- the maximum length of 10 pages must not be exceeded
- the paper must be presented at the conference
If the above conditions are not adhered to, the paper will not be published in Procedia Energy, but may be included in SEB Research Advances (see below).
It is the author's responsibility to ensure that their paper does not contain any errors. Elsevier will publish what they receive so it is important that the authors submit the final version of their papers.
Proofs will not be sent to authors at any time during production.
Elsevier has now automated the exclusive license transfer (copyright) process. A copyright form will be directly sent to the Authors during production. All copyrights related queries can be sent to
Publication Files
When the PDF copy of the paper has been accepted you will receive an email asking for the publication files.
At this point the following files are required:-
-- A full set of word-processor files for the camera-ready paper, in MS Word or LaTeX,
including all image files necessary to fully reproduce it
-- A PDF copy of the full paper, made from these source files, with all comments and page numbering removed
Oral presentations will be 20 minutes in length, including 5 minutes for discussion. Oral presentations should be accompanied by powerpoint slides.
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