Information for Authors
Poster Track Paper Submission
Work-in-progress papers on all topics relevant to the conference are invited from research students (doctoral or masters students) wishing to bring their work to attention of the research community.
Submissions are invited on topics relating to Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, including:-
- Sustainable Buildings
- Smart Energy Systems and Optimisation
- Renewable Energy Technologies and Integration with the Built and Natural Environment
- Computing and Intelligent Communications Technology for Sustainability
Accepted abstracts will be presented as posters in the dedicated doctoral track sessions. Abstracts will be published on an open-access web archive, making them widely available to the research community.
Papers will be subjected to a 'light-touch' review by members of the Programme Committee and accepted or rejected on the basis of quality and relevance to the conference.
Abstracts should be submitted as PDF documents through the PROSE online submission and review system.
Guidance notes for the preparation of posters is available .. here ..
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